Greek Grass Fed Beef Meat Loaf with DF Tzaiziki Sauce

We wanted to make a hearty nutrient dense greek flavored meat loaf. It turned out so good, it is a new favorite and already trying to think of ways to take it on our next camping trip.

1 lb grass fed beef
1 egg
1/4 almond flour
1/4 cup ground flax seed
1/8 cup hemp seed
2 tsp Oregano dried or 4 tsp fresh
1 tsp Dill dried or 2 tsp fresh
Salt and Pepper to taste

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Use coconut oil or other favorite to grease your loaf pan. Bake 350 for 55 minutes.

Serve with gluten free tortillas, tzatziki sauce recipe below, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, onion, peppercinis and a side salad with Primal Greek Dressing or other favorite. 

Tzatziki Sauce/Dairy Free

8 oz. non dairy yogurt
1 Cucumber diced
1 tsp Oregano
1 tsp Dill
Salt to taste

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